WiV creates a DeFi market for fine wine

Decentralised finance (DeFi) is an important element of the WiV ecosystem. WiV will be offering novel DeFi products that will give wine owners unheralded access to enhanced finance.

Our Products

DeFi Staking

Staking: WIVA

Stake your WIVA Tokens and lock in a competitive yield on BitMart.

DeFi Farming

Yield Farming: WIVA

Providing liquidity for WIVA tokens helps our ecosystem and earns the provider pool fees.

Other Financial Products

The first token backed by a decentralized wine fund.

Buy an NFT representing pre-bottled or pre-harvest wine.

Permissionless collateralized loan offerings for all WiV NFT holders.

Coming Soon

For the first time, we will be offering a yield on asset-backed NFT products.

Coming Soon