Smarter, Faster, more Secure wine distribution

With WiV producers can focus on what they do best. We take care of the rest.

As a Producer working with WiV, you can expect:

• Enhanced margins on wine sales.

• Earn Percentage on Secondary Sales.

• Comprehensive Technological and access to new financial options.

We’ve made it simple to work with WiV, just follow four easy steps:

E-provenance Solution

The best digital IoT provenance device on the market.

Coming soon!

Pioneering Producer Royalties

Earn up to 2% on all future sales of your wine NFTs.

Available Now!

“Every fine wine is unique and spending time with wine producers has shown us how much skill and craft goes into every bottle. We think it’s only right that winemakers enjoy a return from their wines every time that there’s a secondary sale. Our platform makes the process simple and we hope that it will help create a new structure for the fine wine market.”

Tommy Nordam Jensen, CEO and Co-Founder

Wine Financing

Financing collateralized by your wine collection

Investors have often not been allowed to treat their wine cellars as a financial asset and have struggled to enjoy financing based on the value of what they own. We believe fine wine should be treated like gold, art or vintage cars and seen as a store of value and an asset that appreciates. The WiV platform gives vineyards and investors the opportunity to obtain financing based on their wine assets making it easier to invest and enhance future vintages.

We will offer producers three ways to finance their vineyards:

Wine Liquidity Solution

Withdraw liquidity on your wine assets.

Winebank yield deposits

Earn a yield on wine NFTs deposited into our custody.

Permissionless Collateralized NFT loans

Take out a loan using your wine assets as collateral.